This shortcode displays a simple icon. iconIcon to display. Check out the list of icons. idUnique ID which can be used for applying custom CSS to this element.
7 Articles
This shortcode displays a list of anchored headings. To anchor a heading, add an ID attribute to it (e.g. <h2 id=”my-heading”>…). titleTitle of this section excluded_idsHeadings with these IDs (anchors) will not be displayed in table of contents. Separate IDs with comma. idUnique ID which can be used for applying custom CSS to this element.
This shortcode displays a menu. Menus can be managed under Appearance / Widgets. Please choose which menu will be used to create this sitemap. titleSection title. menu_idID of the menu which will be used. To get the menu ID, head to Appearance / Menus, switch to your menu and copy the value of the “menu” attribute […]
This shortcode displays a sidebar. Sidebars can be managed under Appearance / Widgets. Categories No categories titleSection title. sidebar_idID of the sidebar which will be used. It is lsvr-lore-default-sidebar for the Default Sidebar. For custom sidebars it is lsvr-lore-custom-sidebar-X where X stands for the sidebar number. You will get this custom sidebar number by visiting […]
This shortcode displays standard (blog) posts. There are no posts titleSection title. categoryCategory ID or slug to pull posts from. limitNumber of posts to display. columnsNumber of columns used to display posts. show_dateDisplay the date for each post. show_categoryDisplay the category for each post. show_excerptDisplay the excerpt for each post. more_labelLabel for a “More” link […]
This shortcode displays categorized Knowledge Base articles. Aenean Tellus Metus Sed Fringilla Mauris Sit Content Editing FAQ Knowledge Base Standard Posts and Pages Customization Icons Translation Colors Sidebars & Widgets Menus Front Page Dummy Content Video Article Audio Article Image Article Article with Attachments Elements Icon Table of Contents Sitemap Sidebar Posts Knowledge Base FAQ […]
This shortcode displays FAQ posts. There are no FAQ posts. titleSection title. categoryCategory ID or slug to pull posts from. limitNumber of posts to display. columnsNumber of columns used to display posts. show_categoryDisplay the category for each post. more_labelLabel for a “More” link which links to a post / category archive. idUnique ID which can […]