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Knowledge Base

  • Content Editing (3 Articles)

    Learn how to publish and edit your own content

  • Customization (6 Articles)

    Learn how to customize various parts of this theme

  • Dummy Content (7 Articles)

    Showcase of various Knowledge Base features

  • Elements (7 Articles)

    List of built-in blocks and shortcodes

  • How To (6 Articles)

    Various tips and tricks for the Lore theme

  • Installation and Setup (6 Articles)

    Learn how to install and configure the Lore theme

35 Articles


This shortcode displays a menu. Menus can be managed under Appearance / Widgets. Please choose which menu will be used to create this sitemap. titleSection title. menu_idID of the menu which will be used. To get the menu ID, head to Appearance / Menus, switch to your menu and copy the value of the “menu” attribute […]


This shortcode displays a sidebar. Sidebars can be managed under Appearance / Widgets. SearchSearchRecent PostsHello world! What is WordPress Themes And Plugins What is Knowledge Base Recent CommentsA WordPress Commenter on Hello world! Recent Posts Hello world! What is WordPress Themes And Plugins What is Knowledge Base Categories Uncategorized Wiki WordPress titleSection title. sidebar_idID of […]


This shortcode displays standard (blog) posts. June 15, 2023 in Uncategorized Hello world! March 12, 2019 in WordPress What is WordPress WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. It was released on May 27, 2003. Read More March 12, 2019 in WordPress Themes And Plugins Themes allow […]

Knowledge Base

This shortcode displays categorized Knowledge Base articles. Content Editing FAQ Knowledge Base Standard Posts and Pages Customization Icons Translation Colors Sidebars & Widgets Menus Front Page Dummy Content Video Article Audio Article Image Article Article with Attachments Elements Icon Table of Contents Sitemap Sidebar Posts Knowledge Base FAQ How To Update Bundled Plugins Reorder Posts […]


This shortcode displays FAQ posts. How to add more icons? Read More How to set header background image? Read More Is plugin X supported? Read More How to install WordPress? Read More titleSection title. categoryCategory ID or slug to pull posts from. limitNumber of posts to display. columnsNumber of columns used to display posts. show_categoryDisplay […]

Reorder Posts and Categories

The easiest way to do it is to use Intuitive Custom Post Order plugin. Once instaled and activated, head to Settings / Intuitive CPO and check which post types and taxonomies you want to enable this functionality for. After that, you will be able to reorder them via simple drag & drop in your admin.

Setup Forum

The forum seen on the demo site was created using the bbPress plugin. Please follow the official documentation to learn how to configure it. You can download the dummy data here.

Setup Contact Form

To add a contact form similar to one seen in the demo site, first install and activate the Contact Form 7 plugin. Then download and unzip the full theme package from your ThemeForest account / Downloads (if you haven’t already) and upload the cf7-contact-form.xml file from the Demo Data folder under Tools / Import / […]

Add Post Excerpt

Excerpt is a short text which can be displayed on post archive pages or in some widgets instead of the full post content. You can add excerpt for standard posts, knowledge base articles and FAQ posts. If you are using the WordPress block editor (Gutenberg), you can add excerpt in the right panel when editing […]

Update the Theme

The easiest way to update the theme is to use Envato Market plugin. Alternatively, you can download the installable file from your ThemeForest account / Downloads and then either unzip it and upload it under wp-content / themes via FTP (overwrite the existing lore folder), or upload the file via admin under Appearance / […]